Hi WriteByNighters,
Congratulations to us all for making it through another February!
Because February can sometimes feel like torture. A torture that, for many writers, seems akin to... the act of writing.
Writing guides and websites are full of quotes attributed to famous writers that go something along the lines of "I hate writing, but I love having written." Or, "Writing is easy... you just open a vein and bleed yourself dry."
I know an alarming number of writers who say that their least favorite part of being a writer is the act itself.
My own take? I love to write. The act itself, I mean. I won't pretend it's always easy or a constant joy, but when I'm typing at my computer or writing in a pad, I feel better than I do when performing (almost) any other activity.
I consider myself lucky.
Are you one of the lucky ones too, or do you dislike the act of writing? Do you share Dorothy Parker's (maybe) take, "I hate writing, but I love having written?"