Hello WriteByNighters,
In our ongoing efforts to provide you the highest-quality one-on-one services, we've taken on a new writing coach and consultant.
John is the author of numerous books of poetry and is a nineteen-time(!) Pushcart Prize nominee. We're very happy to have him on board. If you're interested in working with John or another talented member of our staff, sign up for a free consultation today.
In John's Q&A, he tells us about his first experience with writing poetry, during which he "spent hours emptying myself of visions and fears and joys I don't think I even knew I had."
I've always loved hearing about formative writing experiences. And in this week's post, "Your Childhood Writing," I want to hear all about yours.
What were some of your formative writing experiences? What inspired you to experiment with writing? Do you see any of your adult self in your childhood words?
And if you could go back in time and give your childhood self one piece of writing advice, what would it be and why?