Hi WriteByNighters,
In public you'll often catch me recommending the books I love. How often in this space have I mentioned Stuart Dybek, and Jazz, and Johnny Tremain, and a host of others?
But one on one, especially with close friends and certain family members, I'm sometimes hesitant to recommend a beloved book. It almost feels as if I'm putting my own self up for judgment.
And if they dislike the book, what will that mean for how they feel about me?
Intellectually I realize this is ridiculous. You can still love a person even if you don't love his/her favorite book.
But we don't run on intellect alone. And so I wanted to explore this hesitancy a little bit, and get your own take on it.
How do you feel when the person you recommend a beloved book to loves it? Hates it? Is indifferent to it?
Or, perhaps worst of all, doesn't even read the damn thing?
Let's discuss in the comments.
And hey, while you're there, if you want to recommend a beloved book you think I should read, go for it. This is a judgment-free zone. I swear! Even if I don't love it, I'll still love you*.